Kevin Latmore

Instant Momentum Formula

Kevin Latmore is a married father of 5 who splits time between residences in both Ottawa Canada and Tampa FL.

Prior to getting started in network marketing Kevin was a manager at Costco. While he enjoyed that job he found it hard to raise a family solely on $45K a year. An old friend told him that through network marketing his Annual income could become his Monthly income. That was all Kevin needed to hear. He went to work in his new company and within 6 months he had matched his Costco income. He then made the courageous decision to walk away and get into networking full time.

It was absolutely the right decision as not only has his annual income become his monthly, but some weeks now surpass his former Costco income.

Kevin is Best Known for breaking records and becoming the fastest person to reach the top pay rank in 4 separate companies. Kevin's "Instant Momentum Formula" is simple.

Dissect the compensation plan, create a vivid vision, execute that vision and put money in people's pockets quickly.

Kevin now consults small companies and coaches high level networkers. By always doing the right thing, focusing on helping others and working harder than anyone else on his team, Kevin has been able to achieve the following:

  • Personally enroll over 300 people
  • Build teams in 65 countries
  • Build 4 separate teams of at least 10,000 agents
  • Build combined teams of over 120,000
  • Generate sales of well over $100 Million
  • $5 Million in earnings
  • Most Importantly helped over 10,000 people make at least $1000 a month

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Garrett McGrath
